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Adding a blog to the KnowAll theme

KnowAll is a knowledge base centric theme and by default hides the posts functionality of WordPress, the front page is set to the knowledge base archive as shown in the KnowAll demo.

If you wish to change this, you can re-enable the blog and front/posts pages by following the directions below.

Re-enabling posts and static pages in KnowAll

To enable posts and static pages for KnowAll, select the Enable Blog and Static Page Support option from WP Admin > Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings > KnowAll Blog Support and then click the Publish button.

knowall blogpage

Creating a Blog Archive

With the steps above complete, you can create your blog archive with the following steps:-

  1. Ensure you have some posts to display, these can now be created from the new Posts > Add New menu.
  2. Create a dummy page from Pages > Add New. Name it ‘Blog’ or whatever you wish the blog archive to be titled. You do not need to anything other than name and publish the page.
  3. Assign this Blog page as the posts archive from Settings > Reading > Posts Page. Set as your newly created Blog page. (see screenshot below).
  4. Assign the Homepage as Knowledge Base Archive to ensure that the front page of your KnowAll site remains the knowledge base.
  5. You’ll need to add the Blog page to a navigation menu or otherwise make it reachable. This can be done from Appearance > Menus.
  6. Your Blog page should now function as a simple posts archive.

knowall blog reading settings

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